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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Prambanan Temple

Is the largest Hindu heritage in the region of Central Java and Yogyakarta, lebihkuang located 17 kilometers east of Yogyakarta city. Prambanan is the enshrinement to the main temple complex overlooking the East, with the overall shape resembles a mound in the shadow play as high as 47 feet. 

Prambanan Temple or the temple of Shiva is also known as Roro Jonggrang temple, associated with the legend that tells of a virgin who Jonggrang or a tall girl, daughter of King (King, which in Javanese is often called the Queen) Boko, who built his empire on the hill sebalah Prambanan temple complex south. 
The edge is limited by the balustrade of the temple, which is decorated with reliefs of Ramayana can be enjoyed when we berperadaksina (walking around the temple with a central temple is always on our right) through the alley. The story continues on the ledge Brahma temple located on the left (south) of the main temple. 're On the fence langakn Vishnu temple located on the right (north) of the main temple, carved reliefs depicting the story Kresnadipayana childhood story of King Krishna as the embodiment (incarnation) of Vishnu who want to eradicate keangkaramurkaan sweeping the world. 
Booth overlooking the main temple to the north contains a statue of Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva, but generally people call it a statue of Roro Jonggrang, which according to legend, the stone statue before the living body of purti beautiful, which was condemned by the knights Bondowoso, to complement its ability to create a thousand statues in one night. 
The third front of the temple of Trimurti Gods there are three temples which contain vehicle (vehicle) is the third god. The third temple has now been restored and only temple in the middle (in front of Shiva temple) which still contains a statue of a bull named Nandi, vehicle of Lord Shiva. Senagai swan statue statue eagle vehicle of Brahma and Vishnu as the vehicle is estimated to first fill the chambers of the temple is located in front of the god's temple, has now been restored. 
Sixth temple represent two groups facing each other, located on a page of a square, with sides 110 meters long. 
Inside the pages are still standing other temples, namely two temples with a height of 16 meters clamp the line of sight, which is a stand in the north and the other in the south, four temples color and 4 corner temples. 
Pages in Hindu society which is considered as the most sacred page, located in the middle of a central courtyard that has the 222 meters, and initially contains ancillary temples of 224 pieces in rows around hfalaman in 3 rows. 
Prambanan temple complex is located just a few hundred yards from the highway Yogya-Solo crowded public transport pass.

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