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Monday, September 12, 2011

Lake Toba : The Largest Lake in Southeast Asia

Lake Toba is the largest lake in Southeast Asia. The lake formed due to eruption of Mount Toba which belong to one of the largest eruptions in world history. Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra is not only a local tourist destination but also abroad.

That small island in the middle of Lake Toba. Samosir Island is known as a great place to enjoy the beauty and the beautiful natural atmosphere. In fact you can stay at the cottage-style Batak and experience life as they would Batak people. Traditional houses made ​​of wood will certainly complement your vacation experience.

How to get there? Towards a field you can use the aircraft, many airlines are offering purpose to the city of Medan. While from Medan to Lake Toba you can do the car rental / lease a car or to charter a taxi or bus. Medan car rental prices also vary, so plan your trip carefully.

The Story of Lake Toba

A poor orphan boy, he lived alone in the northern part of Sumatra island is very dry. He lived with a farming and fishing. 
Lake Toba

One day, he was fishing and got caught a strange fish. The fish was huge and very beautiful. The color is golden. He then took off pole and held the fish. But when his hand touched, the fish turns into a beautiful princess. Apparently he is a fish that is cursed the gods for having violated a ban. Had been destined, if she touched his hand, he will turn into like creature who touched it. Because he touched people, he also turned into a human. 

The young man then proposed marriage to the daughter of the fish. Princess fish were willing to nod their heads. 

"But I have one request, kakanda." He said. 

"I'm willing to be a wife kakanda, provided kakanda want to keep my secret that I come from a fish." 

"Well, Adina. I'll keep it secret. "Said the young man. 

Eventually they married and gave birth to a baby boy is funny. But when growing up, the boy is always hungry. Although many eating-food into his mouth, he never felt full. 
Batak House

One day, being so hungry, he ate all the food on the table, including food rations both parents. Coming home from the fields, hungry father who found an empty table there was no food, angry heart. With hunger and could not pull myself, come out rude words. 

"You offspring of fish!" 

He did not realize, with the words, it means he has confided his wife. 

Immediately, his wife and children disappear by magic. He was so sad and so sorry for his actions. However, rice has become porridge. He could never be reunited with his wife and son who loved it as well. 

Foothold in the land of the former wife and his son, suddenly there springs gush. The water is getting bigger and bigger. Long into the lake. The lake is then we know today as Lake Toba.

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