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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kotagede : Jogja Silver Centre

The presence of silver craftsmen appear along with the birth of the kingdom of Mataram, Kota Gede is an area where the former capital of the Mataram kingdom which was founded by Panembahan Senopati. The development of silver Kotagede not be separated also from the Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) that go to Yogyakarta around the 16th century. At that time, many traders are ordering VOC household appliances from gold, silver, copper and brass to a population of approximately Kotagede.

Until now, people in the region Kotagede still many who work as craftsmen. Some of them work as craftsmen of gold, silver, copper, brass, horns and many others. Over time, silver became the most popular products, so many craftsmen who choose to become a silversmith and silver in its development characterizes Kotagede area.

Silver craft stalls and shops in the town can be easily we meet along the road in this area. Generally, the craftsmen have a showroom to display their silver products. One of the centers of a showroom located at Jalan Packaging Kotagede, this region is an area of ​​strategic sales of silver. There are about 40 showrooms or stores of silver on a small scale, medium and large.

Not only showroom along the way that you can pack just visit, because a lot of silver craftsmen who are located within the township one of them is in Kampung Basen. This tourist village has many craftsmen silver with silver diversity and of course if you buy the product directly to the craftsmen, which is more economical price you can get. Basen Tourism Village is located in RW 04, Purbayan village, Kotagede.

Types of silver sold in the region Kotagede diverse, mostly selling silver type the numbers 925 means 925 indicates the percentage of silver content in it. 925 means 92.5% silver + 7.5% copper, because if you made 100% pure silver is too soft. Copper as a mixture of silver metallic material that could be stronger processed into jewelry. Silver has a pure silver levels ranging from 999, 925, 850, 835, 825, and 800. For silver with purity levels of 800 would be faster black (oxidized) than the silver with a purity tigkat 925. That's why rarely found silver jewelry stamped with 800.

Silver Raw Materials
Kotagede silver raw material there are 2 silver sheet that is commonly called Gilapan and threads of silver which is usually called a trap or Filigran. In any manufacturing process, it was not entirely made from pure silver, but there is mixing with the copper. One hundred percent of silver mixed with 7.5% copper. Because if pure silver is too soft and less powerful to be used as crafts, therefore mixed copper as pengerasnya.

At least there are three types of products sold, namely:

Handmade silver (Handmade)
The silver is purely made by hand, without relying on the machine. From the beginning to the end of the process done by hand. Craft is what is the origin of the silver industry in the town of Yogyakarta and even even today silver in the town is still dominated by handmade crafts (handmade).

Silver-made machines (Machinery)
The silver machine production system is also a system of mass production such as casting. It's just here to use machines instead of casting machines.

The products typically are made with machine chain necklaces and bracelets. Similarly, casting machines, jewelry making machine this price is also quite expensive. In Indonesia, silver handicrafts are made with the engine came from East Java.

Silver prints (Casting)
Lately silver molds often made of silver production alternatives. Especially for large quantities of product demand and a limited time.

Actually the system of making silver print / casting are some techniques. From the use of simple tools to use centrifugal casting machine which pretty expensive. And usually jewelry products on the market are made by centrifugal casting machine.

Silver craftsmen in the town famous for its unique products, subtle and patient in working on their silver products that produce high-value artwork. Kotagede silver is a very valuable souvenirs and collections that can be passed between generations.

The selling price of silver Kotagede vary the cheapest brooch average Rp 10 thousand, silver rings starting price of USD 100 thousand, 250 thousand USD pedicab miniature, miniature andhong USD 200 thousand to a miniature sailing ship, eating utensils, and the miniature temple of Borobudur all of which can reach prices of up to Rp 30 million depending on the complexity and amount of raw materials used.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Senggigi : New Beach, New Sensation, and New Experience

Communities often align the beauty of this beach with famous beaches on the island of Bali, like Kuta, Legian and Sanur. In fact, the beauty of Senggigi Beach is often portrayed exceed these beaches, because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the rise of the arrival of foreign tourists have not been on this beach. 

As the mainstay of coastal resorts of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Senggigi is still relatively natural, and kept clean. The beach is still beautiful, the crash of the waves are not too large, and the beauty of underwater scenery, further confirmed that the beach that stretches about 10 kilometers is an ideal place for domestic and foreign tourists for a moment forget the daily routine and atmosphere of the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Senggigi Beach is now beginning ogled by tourists, especially foreign tourists, because of the relatively virgin territory and also has extensive information about his whereabouts. With increasing interest and enthusiasm of tourists to the Senggigi Beach, the local government and companies sewasta increasingly keen to build and fix all the infrastructure, so that more tourists interested to visit this beach. 

Senggigi Beach is situated on the northwest city of Mataram, West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB), Indonesia.

To the area of ​​Senggigi Beach is quite easy, because there have been ports and airports on the island of Lombok. If the opposite of the island of Bali, travelers can depart from the Port of Karang Asem use a ferry to Senggigi, with travel time about 30 minutes away. This distance can be cut when using a plane flying from Denpasar Ngurah Rai Airport in Mataram Selaparang (Capital NTB), which only takes about 15 minutes. 

Apart from the Port of Karang Asem, tourists can also depart from the Port of Padang Bay in Bali use a ferry to Sheet Harbour on the island of Lombok. On the way, travelers will be pampered with a beautiful natural scenery and also the appearance of dolphins followed the ship that chased each other. Padang Bay-Sheet trip by ferry takes about 4 hours. After arriving at Sheet Harbour, tourists can continue the journey to the city of Mataram. From the city of Mataram, Senggigi Beach is 11 kilometers and can be reached by taxi and other public vehicles. 

In addition to sea, tourists can also headed Senggigi Beach by using the flight path of air from major cities in Indonesia, like Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali and Yogyakarta. By using aircraft from one of the city, travelers will get to the airport Selaparang, Mataram. From the airport it can direct travelers to the area of ​​Senggigi Beach. 

Accommodation and Other Facilities 
Around Senggigi Beach there are many lodging options that can be used to suit your needs. Ranging from five-star hotels, resorts, hotels jasmine up. Some places to stay that can be used as an alternative is the Holiday Inn, the Oberoi, Sheraton Senggigi, Melati Dua Cottage, Pool Villa Club, Panorama Cottage, and others. Moreover, in coastal areas is also often found restaurants, cafes, bars, open markets, a row of souvenir stalls and souvenirs, mosque, public toilets, parking lots, and others. Indonesia Senggigi beach is a beach which is suitable as a beach resort.


Raja Ampat Island : Underwater Paradise of Papua

Some tourists seemed engrossed in eating and chatting casually as he looked off toward the sea that dominated the color blue, green, and white. The colors that appear because of the influence of coral reefs on the seabed of shallow and deep. They were enjoying lunch at the Papua Diving Resort, f waters of West Irian Jaya. 

Hot sun and brisk air makes exasperated guests to dive and dive again. Sunlight often through the cracks to the coral sea waves. Beauty of the scenery and marine life does make a lasting impression for tourists. For lovers of coastal tourism and underwater fanatic, Raja Ampat are very well known even considered the best in the world for the quality of coral reefs. 

Many international underwater photographers capture the charm of the sea Raja Ampat. Some even come over and over again and make a special book about the beauty of coral reefs and marine life of this region. Mid-2006, a special team of the world's leading scientific adventure magazine, National Geographic, a cover story in Raja Ampat that will become a major report in 2007. 

A total of 610 Island 
Raja Ampat is a fraction of Sorong regency, since 2003. District has a population of 31,000 souls has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of ​​about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2, the sea again. The islands are unspoiled and beautiful sea is still making a direct tourists hooked. They seemed to want to explore the waters in the "Bird's Head" New Guinea. 

This area had become the target of hunters by means of reef fish bombing and cyanide poison to spread. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the region so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. Coral reefs in Raja Ampat marine rated most comprehensive in the world. Of the world's 537 known coral species, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals.

The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions establish Raja Ampat as one region in East Indonesia, which received assistance Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, this program covers 17 villages and involve the local population. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate fish grouper and seaweed. 

Papua Diving, the only exotic resort that offers underwater tours in the region, visited by tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even up to a month navigate the contours of the seabed. They seemed to not want to return to their own countries because they get an "island paradise second to none on this earth". 

Administrators could not easily prepare a place for tourists. Maximillian J Ammer, owner of Dutch citizens of Papua Diving Resort is also a pioneer drive marine tourism in this region, need desperately to set up various facilities to attract tourists from abroad. Since he started his business eight years ago, many of the funds must be spent. However, the results are also satisfactory. Each year the resort is visited at least 600 special tourist who spent an average of two weeks. 

Lodging is very simple, only walls and a roof of woven palm leaves that cost a minimum of 75 euro or Rp 900,000 a night. If you want to dive must pay 30 euros, or about USD 360 000 was diving at a particular location. Most tourists come from Europe. Only a few tourists from Indonesia to stay and dive in there. 

"Tourists dive almost every day because the dive sites are very wide and varied. The beauty of coral reefs are varied so much choice and invite curiosity. There are tourists who are aged 80 years of diving is still strong, "said Max Ammer of married women Manado. 

Three years ago, Papua Diving build a modern inn not far from the first location. Apparently, the inn was built by relying on local building materials are almost always fully booked. Though the charge to reach 225 euros, or about Rp 2.7 million per night. In the new location, equipped with modern equipment, including telephone and internet facilities. 

Tourists to the Raja Ampat Diving just want to Papua on the island because of the facilities and valet Mansuar already an international standard, also the food. They landed at the airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, directly to the location of speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach Mansuar. 

Like the other islands, Mansuar looks beautiful because of its forests are still awake and the seawater was so clean of marine life which is not far from the surface can be seen clearly. Tourists enough to swim or snorkelling to see the beauty of the sea, whereas if it is to observe directly the beauty of marine life in the depths, they have to dive. 

Feeling Safe 
Local residents involved in the development and management of the resort, even 90 of the 100 employees are citizens of Papua. Residents also supplies fish, vegetables, fruits, and others. One of the tour package to visit the village to see typical local plants and animals, including birds of Paradise. Many tourists who become donors of the church building and education of children around the Man-flare. 

Max Ammer is committed to improving the economy and skills of local residents. They are trained in foreign languages ​​and use scuba gear. Tourists feel safe at any time day or night while enjoying hot and sunsets as well as swimming and diving in the deep sea. 

In addition to marine and fisheries, Raja Ampat has a wealth of natural resources, including oil and nickel. On the seabed there are also many old sunken ships of World War II is estimated to contain "treasure trove" of high value. However, if mismanaged, it is feared exploitation activities threaten the preservation and natural beauty of the sea. 


Lawang Sewu : Building an Interesting Mystical Nuances

Ancient buildings in the city of Semarang until now the main attraction of foreign and domestic tourists. In addition to the ancient buildings in the Old City of Semarang, Lawang Sewu and Sam Poo Kong Temple is also now the destination of the tourism. 
Front Side

Lawang Sewu is a relic of ancient building which was built in 1904 dutch. Originally this building for its corporate headquarters railway (streetcar) or Dutch colonizers Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschappij (NIS). Building three-story art deco (1850-1940) was the work of renowned Dutch architect, Prof. Jacob F. Klinkhamer and BJ Queendag. 
The Doors

Lawang Sewu is located on the east side of Tugu Muda Semarang, or on street corners and streets Youth Pandanaran. 

Back Side

Called Lawang Sewu (Thousand Doors), this is because the building has a door that very much. In fact, the doors are not up to a thousand. This building has many windows height and width, so that people often regard it as a door. 

Ciwidey White Carter

This tourist attraction is one of the attractions that exist in the area of ​​Bandung, which more precisely in the area ciwedey. Tourism is already quite well known although its location is quite good away from Bandung city itself. Many tourists from inside or outside who have visited these attractions. And they come not only once but many among them who came up several times. There they get a feel of tranquility. Its location is on high ground.

White crater, is one of favorite attractions in the area of ​​Bandung. If you already are in the white crater do not miss capturing beautiful moments when you're there. Because if you are to where these attractions, you are obliged to take pictures. The sight that you will get is really very beautiful and will never forget your perrnah.

The cost to get to these attractions ckup tolerable for us to spend. When our group by bringing a private car with a full passenger maybe we have to pay Rp 100.000,00. But it could still be in the bargain if you want offered. If you do not bring private vehicles or you do not want tired, you can take a bus / transport that has been provided to leading tourist attraction with only pay Rp 20.000,00 per person. For this one has fixed prices, so it can not be fresh anymore. 

Do not ever miss you if you are already in the city of Bandung, stop to these attractions so you can really feel the beauty of these attractions. Enjoy.


Sidomukti Bannerman

The sensation is still felt when I saw these photos, flying fox and marine bridge with a height of 70m above the valley. Flying fox with a length of 110m to give it a try its own sensation. Marine bridge that seems easy to pass through but feels heavy when it was in the middle.
Marine Bridge

Both are located in the Tourism Sidomukti Bannerman, Bandungan, Semarang. Treated to a panorama of natural ambience with natural slopes of Mount Ungaran so spoil the eye. 

The air is cool, away from pollution, making these objects into one of the alternative options for spending the holidays. 

In addition to Fox and Marine Flying Bridge, this object also presents other vehicles ie, Rapeling, ATV, Garden Courage, Camp Ground, and do not miss the swimming pool with natural springs.


Bakpia 25 : Uniquely Cake of Jogja

Bakpia actually comes from China, originally named Tou Luk Pia, which means it is a pia cake (cake) green beans. In addition it also began to be produced in the village bakpia Pathuk Yogyakarta, since around the year 1948. It was still traded at retail packed in baskets without a label, demand is still very limited. In 1980 started to perform a new packaging with a trademark suit the house number, followed by the emergence of other bakpias with different numbers trademarks. Similarly, the rapid development of the "cake gift" it to reach the booming since around 1992.
Bakpia 25

Bakpia production performed by the father of Sanjaya Arlen (Mr. Arlen Sanjaya is the next generation Bakpia maker Pathok 25 that formerly came from a family business) every day is not fixed because the products we make "Always New and Hot". 

Product Process Bakpia Pathok "25" consists of several stages. All provide a better sense for the customer. The steps are divided into 7 main steps:
  1. Drying green beans to remove lice and nut selection. 
  2. Separate the green beans with peanut shells.
  3. Split into two parts and washed clean. Then Soaked to the separation of green beans.
  4. Steaming, Milled until smooth. Cooked in a mixer, mixed with sugar to taste.
  5. Manufacture of leather. The materials used are, wheat flour, sugar, water, cooking oil. Stirred in a mixer. This process is called rolling process, the process is performed until smooth. the longer the better.
  6. Roasting process.
  7. Final process of packing / packaging.
